The family of Sieger's

On this page you can read more about the people behind kennel Sieger's. By pressing one of the following images you'll learn more about either Jessie, Kaj eller Vibe. You can also learn more about our efforts in breeding and even more about our personal skills. All of us are members of the Danish Spaniel Club and the Danish Kennel Club and we have passed the Kennel Club's breeding program.
In 1996, 2003 and 2006 we were named as Breeder of The Year - no breeders have before received this titel three times, and for that we are proud.

Below you'll find different pictures of our family. Some of the pictures are from our surprise 25-years jubilee in 2010 where our dear friens surprised us with the 'Sieger 25 year' book. Other pictures are from articles that has been written about us through the years. Please, enjoy them!